In this installment of Psychedelica Lex, I interview Sully Sullivan regarding the Hemp Industry Trade Association’s (HITA) SB1271 – Arizona’s Hemp-Derived Products (HDP) Safety & Regulation Bill.

You can watch the episode HERE.


Per HITA, the Hemp-Derived Products (HDP) Safety & Regulation Bill was developed in consultation with the Arizona Department of Agriculture alongside many hemp industry stake holders. The purpose is to update and revise Arizona’s hemp statutes to reflect how the hemp industry has moved forward and evolved since the inception of the Arizona hemp program in 2018.


  1. Updates Arizona hemp laws to reflect recent state compliance with the 2018 Farm Bill (USDA Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018).

  2. Brings clarity to the Arizona hemp laws for the benefit of consumers and law enforcement.

  3. Differentiates the hemp industry more clearly from all aspects of the marijuana industry.

  4. Adds businesses that manufacture and sell hemp-derived products to the Department of Agriculture’s hemp program requirements.

  5. Recognizes the widespread marketing and sale of hemp-derived products such as CBD.

  6. Requires that some hemp-derived products that are offered for retail sale:

    • Be sold only to persons over 21 years of age

    • Regulate product packaging requirements to contain a link or QR code that reports a Certificate of Analysis from a certified independent lab.

    • Requires anyone transporting hemp or hemp-derived products to carry a certificate of analysis to demonstrate to law enforcement that their products are hemp-derived.

  7. Clarifies the authority of the Arizona Department of Agriculture to inspect farms, facilities and hemp-derived products for compliance with the law. This is similar authority to what the Department of Agriculture already regulates, such as but not limited to; vegetables, fruit, milk, eggs, cheese, meats, fertilizers, pesticides, and animal feed.


Sully Sullivan is the Executive Director of the Hemp Industry Trade Association of Arizona (HITA), Council member of the Arizona Department of Agriculture’s Hemp Advisory Council, Committee member of the National Hemp Association’s Standing Committee Of Hemp Organizations, Vice President of Governmental Affairs at Marathon 360 Global and senior consultant at Tangent West, where he consults on hemp and dispensary operations and business development. Sullivan has been in the hemp and cannabis industry for 13 years and is currently running a bill on behalf of HITA through the Arizona state legislature. The bill, SB1271, updates and revises the Arizona hemp statutes and creates new regulations for Hemp-Derived Products (HDP’s) such as CBD and Delta 8. The bill just passed unanimously through the Senate and is currently being voted on in the House.