Psychedelics Today was gracious to publish my article outlining my proposal for a uniform plant and fungi medicine act.

You can read it here:   Uniform Model Law on Plants and Fungi Medicines: A Better Path to Reregulation – Psychedelics Today

With publication of that article, I am also free to announce that Dumbledore’s army is assembling.  Or if you will indulge me a fictional cross-cultural metaphor, I am in midst of playing Nick Fury and assembling a team of brilliant-minded psychonaut lawyers who want to take a legitimate stab at crafting a uniform plant and fungi medicine act that we can seek to advance to the 14 states with initiative statutes (and to lobbyists elsewhere).   The hope is to craft a uniform act that is attractive enough to run simultaneously in as many states as possible in the next national election.     We will likely need help from many disciplines.  Also, this is not intended to be an all-volunteer army, so we will also be looking for national resources to help fund the effort.

We are in the earliest of stages, so be patient and look for further announcements coming soon.