For the better part of the past decade, I have been a fan of Lorenzo Haggerty’s Psychedelic Salon podcast.

The Psychedelic Salon is to my best estimation one of the richest repositories of interviews and speeches by true intellectuals – lots of PhDs, MDs, theologians –  in the broader world of psychedelics.   No matter your interest, be it philosophy, biology, psychology, public policy, or myriad other perspectives, the Psychedelic Salon has quality speakers and a trove to be explored and enjoyed.

I was graced with an invitation to be this evening’s guest in the Live Salon.

Although the show’s host, Lorenzo, is a lawyer, he has not practiced since the 1970s, and tells me I may be the first practicing lawyer ever on the show to talk about psychedelics from the law’s perspective.

I do hope you tune in.