This installment of Psychedelica Lex is a “video letter” from me to the Law and Regulatory Committee (LARC) of the Psychedelic Bar Association regarding my thoughts on undertaking the creation of a model or uniform body of law to regulate psychoactive substances.

I am committee steward of the LARC, and we have been at task of deciding projects to undertake.  I pitched  LARC on the creation of such a model law, like the Uniform Commercial Code, that could be adopted  in each state legislature and/or adopted to run as a public initiative in the states that allow such.   I propose a model law, written by the nation’s leading experts, that takes into account a balanced approach to access and safety.   The best part of my plan is LARC literally has access to the nation’s leading experts, many of whom are members!

Basically, I predict that interest in psychedelics is going to increase and that the existing black market is going to expand.   States can wait and see what happens, or they can be proactive and get ahead of problems before they occur.    The logical path is regulation that grants permission and promotes safety.  Prohibition and punishment do not work.  Rather than merely decriminalize and hope the population figures things out, well-considered regulation (until national culture evolves and adapts) is the path forward.

Rather than me trying to consume an entire committee meeting to flesh out some of my thoughts (yes, I have plenty more I that I do not mention in this video) I made this video and you can watch it HERE.